He inspired a bunch of us to get together and create StepUp.One in order to re-skill the refugees in the camp and connect them to global opportunities that pay. We chose “Social Media Marketing” as the skill.
Now any one of us can step by giving them a job – it’s easy – just give them your Hashtag and they will become an extension of your social media team for $100 per month. They are trained and certified using state of the art “Social Media Training” from Hootsuite and they will deliver great outcomes for your social media strategy.
Whilst Mohamed Hassan from Kakuma inspired us to create StepUp.One, it is in the success of the 5 pilot Refugees from Kakuma Camp lies the recipe for Rekindling Hope. Yasmin, Paul, Joelle, Nhial and Bahana have risen to the challenge by re-skilling themselves in Social Media Marketing, it’s now time for all of us to StepUp by providing them with an opportunity.
It’s only fair we StepUp to these pilot team of refugees if they keep their side of the bargain. While stepping up, they have also taken up the job of digitising the schools in Kakuma and bringing world class education to the 2000+ students in each of these school. You can also support their individual school digitisation project here shop
Check out the pilot refugee teams in action as they progress ahead in accumulating certificates and showcase their work. kakuma_team