Scenario 1 – Generating Sales Pipeline for Potential Clients using LinkedIn
Categories: Social Media
About Course
In B2C, Revenues are usually driven by great products and even greater marketing team. In B2B, Revenues are driven by a great value proposition and even greater sales team.
In B2C, Marketing is always to millions of people. In B2B, Sales is typically One-to-One and based on strong relationships and not just a great product or service.
Over the last few years, LinkedIn has emerged as a number one platform for B2B – discovering new customers, connecting, communicating, adding value and building lasting relationships.
Once again, this needs to be done One-on-One.
This scenario tries to combine the art and science behind the B2B Social Selling and make it both simple as well as scalable.
- Understand the challenge, its nuances, the industry, who else is competing for the same, how are they marketing their product etc
- Understand what the client has to offer. Many times we need to re-define the offering itself. We need to be clear what we want to put in front of our potential buyers. Write the story that you want to put in front of potential buyers.
- Convert the storyline to a video that is 140 seconds long using
- Identify the target audience to whom this story should be served in LinkedIn Sales Navigator?
- Split the target audience into 2000 people lots by segmenting the potential buyers by city, industry, seniority, job roles etc
- Agree on the sequence or Priority of reaching out to these potential buyers for each set of 2000 buyers
- Create the connection message that you will send to the potential buyer ( it needs to be less than 300 words including the URL of the video you created and hosted on youtube or client’s website )
- Start engaging with the prioritised target list on an individual level through LinkedIn Sales Navigator?
- Three Scenarios can happen from here
- Customer sees the video and does not want to proceed and does not connect with us
- Customer sees the video and accept our connection
- Customer does not the video
- For Scenario 1, you cannot do much, you can possibly send a follow-up message after 2 weeks as an InMail
- For Scenario 2, Craft and Send a detailed second message with a clear call to actions like a meeting, more videos and more testimonials
- For Scenario 3, you cannot do much, you can possibly send a follow-up message after 2 weeks as an InMail
- Ask to take the conversation on email and pass it back to our client
- Every week, report the number of connection requests send, how many connected, how many responded and so on
- If this thing is resulting in less than 5% connections, we need to make course corrections. We try a different approach. We try a different audience and so on
Course Content
End to End Walkthrough of Generating Sales Pipeline Scenario
End to End Walkthrough
01:22:38 -
End to End Practise
Understanding Client Objectives
Cleint Meeting 1 – Understanding Bugchicks and their objectives
21:32 -
Client Meeting 2 – Exploring the Step by Step Plan with them
Converting Objectives to a Story then Storyline then Video
Telling Visual Stories 1 – How to write the Story Line for before creating the video
01:29:15 -
Telling Visual Stories 2 – How to create videos through
01:34:33 -
Client Video Examples 1 – Lifeline Energy
00:00 -
Client Video Example 2 – Spectalite
00:00 -
Client Video Example 3 – Stepup.One
00:00 -
Client Video Example 4 – NHS Contact Tracing App
Identifying and Communicating the Visual Story to the right audience
How to approach the problem of marketing the digital teaching sessions ?